Applied Geophysics II, is a continuation of the Course, Applied Geophysics.
This course is aimed at acquainting our postgraduate diploma in geophysics students with the basic principles , applications of some aspects in geophysics relating to potential field methods. These include the use of Earth's natural gravity and magnetic fields to investigate the subsurface structures.
Special devices or equipments, such as a gravimeter or magnetometer are used to detect subtle changes in these fields created by a causative body, hence creating an 'anomaly' from the total field.
This causative anomaly are usually reduced to geoid and other effects are corrected for before interpretation. Interpretation includes both analytical and or qualitative.
At the end of the day the student can be able to deduce a causative body which ultimately, can a mineralized zone, a fractured zone, an intrusive body, etc
- Lecturer : magnus iyioku