The nature and purpose of research Categories of research activities. Descriptive, historical, philosophical and experimental research in Education.

The nature and sources of educational problems. Definition and formulation,

assumption, hypotheses construction, writing research proposal, topic selection,

contents and organization of proposal.

Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks, Literature review, technique, needs and

organization. Research bias and ethics (political, economic, religious and cultural).

Objectivity and cross-cultural application. Issues in educational research.

Sampling theory, techniques and description of sample, principles of research

design and design types, instrumentation. Sources of educational data;

observations, questionnaires, interviews, case studies, demographic studies,

problems of validity and reliability. Choice of analytical tools, presentation and

interpretation of results, writing research reports. Candidates must be encouraged

to demonstrate practical activities in various phases of this course, the result of

which must be presented and critiqued in the class.