Apart from the fact that accounting is a professional course, many believe that it has little or no entrepreneurial side. This course is meant to emphasize the latent entrepreneurial sides associated with accounting. With the incessant devaluation of the Naira and the worsening exchange rate, many young graduates no longer want to engage in white collar jobs. Many of them now prefer to own and manage their own businesses without having to wait to become professional accountants. Many of them in this category choose courses that would prepare them adequately to avoid failure. There is no gainsaying the fact that frequent failures of entrepreneurial engagements in Enugu State obviously act as disincentive to intending entrepreneurs. It is in a clear bid to meet the expectations of our students in this group that this course, accounting in entrepreneurship, is designed.

The course will help to equip students of Accounting with the necessary skills that are sine qua non for successful entrepreneurial engagements. Specifically, this course will expose students to basics of accounting for entrepreneurs. It will further make them to be at home with relevant financial management skills for entrepreneurs.